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The integrated precision agriculture management solutions from John Deere will let you capture critical data faster and more easily than ever before. You'll be able to share these insights with your trusted advisors, allowing you to study the data and make well-informed agricultural decisions. Farmers understand the need of consistency. Keeping your machines and people from becoming exhausted will help your equipment and property last for generations. Campbell Tractor can help you choose field and crop solutions, as well as information management, guidance, displays, receivers, and other precision technology equipment.

Automation through technology makes this easier and smoother than ever before

Information Management

Information is powerful - simplify, manage, and protect your farm's data for the optimum in long-term performance.

Variable Rate Application

Vary your seed and fertilizer rates automatically based on field types and conditions, minimizing overlap and reducing input costs.

Displays and Receivers

Improve application rates, fuel economy and input placement with John Deere displays and StarFire receivers.


Take guidance to the next level and get more efficient field coverage with AutoTrac and other accurate guidance solutions.

Field and Crop

Manage your most precious resources with automated field and water management.