Whether you manage a large scale agricultural operation or a small farm, John Deere tractors and farm equipment are tough, reliable and built to stand the test of time. These tools are engineered for productivity at every point in the season offering precision-focused features starting with planning and field prep all the way through planting and harvest. Our available selection includes tools for hay and forage, tillage, precision ag for smart farming and combine harvester equipment as well as a wide variety of tractors. Shop products for agriculture below, or find your nearest Campbell Tractor Co. showroom with questions, to request a quote and to arrange a demo.

Row Crop Tractors
Multi-functional, versatile, powerful and efficient. Designed to handle large planters and implements.

4WD and Track Tractors
The 9 Family makes John Deere the only manufacturer to offer all three machine forms to fit any application with the 9R, 9RT, and 9RX Series Tractors.

Small Ag Tractors
Whether your operation requires a tractor to glide under the low-hanging branches of an orchard or squeeze through narrow rows, our Specialty Tractors will support you and your work.

Explore the S-Series and X-Series Combines, all offering ultra smooth performance at harvest. Take a look at the unique crop flow design from both series of Combine Harvesters.

Hay and Forage
When it comes to cutting hay, John Deere has you covered. Invest in a John Deere Mower-Conditioner or a Round Baler that will ensure productivity.

Planting and Seeding
You'll find the planting and seeding instruments you need to support your operation, from John Deere planters to seed drill options.