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Tillage Farming Equipment

With John Deere farming equipment in the tillage category, you can prepare your fields for a higher yield during harvest. With equipment designed to create healthy seedbeds, you can expect dependable, consistent results. From field cultivators and vertical tillage systems to chisel plows and more, we have it all.


Best choice for: sizing and burying residue.

Field Cultivators and Mulch Finishers

Best choice for: seedbed preparation and field finish.


Best choice for: managing compaction, sizing residue and leveling the field.

Vertical Tillage

Best choice for: universal residue sizing, mixing, or burial focus on seedbed preparation.

Chisel Plows and Mulch Tiller

Best choice for: primary pass to manage compaction and residue.

Strip Till Bar

Best choice for compaction management, nutrient application and seedbed preparation.

Moldboard Plows

Best choice for: turning soil over.

Heavy Harrows

Best choice for: distributing straw residue.